Spread the word!
According to I AM ALS, more than 60% of Americans know nothing about ALS, including that the disease is fatal. Less than 50% knew that the Ice Bucket Challenge raised money for ALS.
More awareness means more funding, which allows for expanded patient services and even better research. And more research means effective treatments!
Social Media
ALS Awareness month
May is ALS Awareness Month in the United States and June 21st is Global ALS/MND Awareness Day. Make sure to share facts and stories on social media, using the social media hashtags #ALSAwarenessMonth and #EndALS. Also get the Facebook Frame!
Take a challenge
It’s not just the #IceBucket Challenge! There’s been #ALSPepperChallenge, #Handlebars4Hope, #YolkUp4ALS and #WhatWouldYouGive, just to name a few. Maybe yours is next? Take or create a challenge and nominate your friends!
To watch & read
Healed Through A.I. (Age of A.I. on YouTube Originals)
Die Trying: The Battle for ALS Treatment (VICE on HBO)
The Theory of Everything (available on iTunes and Amazon)
So Much So Fast (available on iTunes and Amazon)
Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig by Jonathan Eig
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson by Mitch Alborm
Caddy for Life: The Bruce Edwards Story by John Feinstein
Eyes to the Wind by Ady Barkan
My Luke and I by Eleanor Gehrig
Until I Say Goodbye by Susan Spencer-Wendel
Blitz Your Life: Stories from an NFL and ALS Warrior by Tim Shaw